DataTables server-side processing example with JSONP


JSONP is a method of using JSON data from any server, regardless of XSS protection that modern browsers use. It is very useful for being able to retrieve JSON data from any domain name you choose and is easy to integrate with DataTables, thanks to jQuery's Ajax handler, as shown in this example.

Live example

Rendering engine Browser Platform(s) Engine version CSS grade
Loading data from server
Rendering engine Browser Platform(s) Engine version CSS grade

Initialisation code

$(document).ready(function() {
	$('#example').dataTable( {
		"bProcessing": true,
		"bServerSide": true,
		"sAjaxSource": "scripts/jsonp.php",
		"fnServerData": function( sUrl, aoData, fnCallback, oSettings ) {
			oSettings.jqXHR = $.ajax( {
				"url": sUrl,
				"data": aoData,
				"success": fnCallback,
				"dataType": "jsonp",
				"cache": false
			} );
	} );
} );

Server response

The code below shows the latest JSON data that has been returned from the server in response to the Ajax request made by DataTables. This will update as further requests are made.

Other examples